Why Yoga is Good for You

Why Yoga is Good for You

Yoga isn't just good for your physical health - it's great for your mental and emotional wellbeing too. By practicing mindfulness and meditation, yoga helps to reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation and calmness, and improve focus and concentration. It can also help to alleviate symptoms of depression and improve your overall mood. In this blog post read about the physical and mental benefits of yoga and the different types of yoga practises.
Overcoming the Monday Blues - WEARORGANIC

Overcoming the Monday Blues

Have you heard about the Blue Monday syndrome? It’s said to be the most depressing day of the year due to the post-festive blues, it being a Monday and other factors such as the weather. If you’ve been feeling a little down today, it could be the Monday Blues. And as we’re towards the end of the day, we’ve put together some things you can do to improve your evening and end the day off well.